The first draft of the Penumbrist is now live! Supporters of my Patreon have access to the entire class, its feats, and focus spells, but just in case you are not a Patron, I wanted to give you just a glimpse into the shadows so that you could learn what this class is all about.
Walking through shadow, this occult spellcaster hears a calling from the dark, a voice that promises power and glory. For some, it is a jester, laughing from the darkness, finding humor in the gloom. Others find their voice to be a snarler, urging the penumbrist to lash out at those who deny their power. Finally, for many the shadow is a whisper, urging stealth and caution in all things, using secrets and guile to win the day.
The penumbrist thrives in the shadow; warping and weaving the gloom to control the battlefield and befuddle the minds of foes. Want to learn more about this new class? You can download a preview right here, containing all the rules needed to make a 1st level penumbrist for yourself!
Penumbrist Sample
click here to download
Tonight is the start of the Eventide Playtest campaign with my home groups, so you can expect to see drafts of that adventure here in the coming weeks. There is already a mountain of content for you to explore, so if you have not already, check out the Eventide page, which gives an overview and consider becoming a supporter today!