Penumbrist Preview

7 Apr

Preview of the Penumbrist Text

The first draft of the Penumbrist is now live! Supporters of my Patreon have access to the entire class, its feats, and focus spells, but just in case you are not a Patron, I wanted to give you just a glimpse into the shadows so that you could learn what this class is all about.


Walking through shadow, this occult spellcaster hears a calling from the dark, a voice that promises power and glory. For some, it is a jester, laughing from the darkness, finding humor in the gloom. Others find their voice to be a snarler, urging the penumbrist to lash out at those who deny their power. Finally, for many the shadow is a whisper, urging stealth and caution in all things, using secrets and guile to win the day.

The penumbrist thrives in the shadow; warping and weaving the gloom to control the battlefield and befuddle the minds of foes. Want to learn more about this new class? You can download a preview right here, containing all the rules needed to make a 1st level penumbrist for yourself!

Penumbrist Sample
click here to download

Tonight is the start of the Eventide Playtest campaign with my home groups, so you can expect to see drafts of that adventure here in the coming weeks. There is already a mountain of content for you to explore, so if you have not already, check out the Eventide page, which gives an overview and consider becoming a supporter today!

March of Destiny

28 Mar

Destiny Sample Image

The Eventide Campaign playtest is almost here and it is time to look at one of the most innovative new systems to be added to the world of Eventide: Destiny.


Every player character in the world of Eventide has a calling, a path laid out before them by the fickle strings of fate. As a player you get to decide the destiny for your character and this choice gives you a number of new ways to spend your Hero Points during play. Will you guide them to glory or leadership? Or will your choice lead them to an early grave? No matter the choice, each Destiny grants abilities that allow your destiny to be made manifest.

But rather than just talk about it, I wanted to give everyone a sample of what this system contains by releasing a FREE pdf containing the basic rules and three sample Destinies. Patreon supporters at the scholar tier and higher get access to the full system and all 15 Destinies right NOW. Take a look!

Destiny Sample
click here to download

There is a lot more in store for the world of Eventide here in the coming weeks, including the release of a brand NEW class. So if you have not already, check out the Eventide page, which gives an overview and maybe consider becoming a supporter today!

Eventide Launch Stream!

27 Feb
Eventide Launch Image, showing mysterious artifacts, burning candles, and old scrollsThis Tuesday is the official launch of the Eventide campaign! I’ll be kicking things off by hosting a live chat over on my twitch channel ( starting at 8pm PT.

During the stream I’ll be talking about the roadmap for the next month, leading up to the start of the playtest. I am also going to go over what you can find in the Player Archive and what you can expect to find them over the next month. Finally, I am hoping to give just a peek into the start of the Introductory Adventure, Wolfren’s Fate.

I hope you will join me for the launch of this campaign! But if you miss out, no worries, I will post it up to my YouTube channel later in the week and will add a link to it here!